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What is a Financial Controller and What Role Do They Play?

If you run a small-to-medium-sized (SME) business, there's a valuable ally you might want to consider bringing aboard–a financial controller. In the following extensive blog post, we're embarking on a thorough exploration of financial controllers–their vital responsibilities, their profound importance, and the tangible impact they wield within the realm of SMEs.

5 Best Payroll Practices for Small Businesses

In managing a small business, payroll can be a complex and time-consuming task. However, implementing effective payroll practices is crucial to ensure smooth operations and maintain employee satisfaction. This article will explore five of the best payroll practices for small businesses that can streamline the process, enhance accuracy, and foster a positive work environment.

6 Key Accounting Software Features for SMEs

Small business accounting software can save you time and money, not to mention a lot of stress trying to navigate endless spreadsheets and financial data. Numerous accounting software options are available on the market suitable for any budget, size, or type of business. But what are the critical features of accounting software you should look out for? In this article, we will help you to make the right choice.

The Anatomy of Accounting for SMEs

Running a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) successfully requires a strong grasp of accounting principles. It's not just about crunching numbers; accounting provides valuable insights into your financial health, helps you make informed decisions, and ensures compliance with regulations. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the anatomy of accounting for SMEs, uncovering key elements and best practices to help your businesses thrive.

6 Small Business Trends and What They Mean to Your Business

2023 is another turbulent year for small and medium businesses (SMEs) battling inflation and a cooling economy. However, based on research conducted by Natwest, UK SMEs returned to a growth phase in Q1 2023, reaching their highest point in 11 months. If you aim to boost business confidence in 2023 and the following year, exploring SME trends is an excellent opportunity to learn how to adapt an innovative mindset and forge your way to a successful future. This article will discuss the 6 most interesting small business trends and explore their meaning to your business.

9 Financial KPIs and Metrics to Track for Your SME

As a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) owner, you know how important it is to keep your business's finances in check. But how do you actually do that? One way is to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) that give you a good picture of your business's financial performance. By regularly tracking your financial KPIs, you can make smart decisions for your business, spot areas that need improvement, and make sure your business is making a profit and can last long-term.